Stop being just another bartender and become the most respected and sought-after whisky expert in your city.
As you’re well aware, whisky has a long, beautiful, and storied tradition, and the people who served it were directly responsible. Whisky has bound communities, friends, and travelers together. Those who have served it with knowledge, love, and flair helped to transform it from a refreshment to a passion.
The Whisky Marketing School will help you gain that same knowledge, love, and flair. In 1 to 4 classes across 2 years, you’ll learn the unique and wonderful history of the whiskies of the world. We’ll train you to become an engaging storyteller and public speaker, and teach you how to market both yourself and the whisky you love.
What you learn can help transform your establishment into a destination for great whisky and those who enjoy it. With that, of course, come increased buzz, loyalty, and profits.
That said, the certification you’ll receive stays with you, not your establishment. You’ll forever carry the knowledge and training you gain with us as you continue to travel, learn, and spread word about whisky.
In one class, we can give you a broad understanding of whisky and the skills to talk about it with passion.
In four classes, you’ll be the go-to expert in your city with a presence and presentation that people will travel to see.